Il Maestro Daniele Maffeis fra suoni, parole e immagini
Nell’augurarVi un Sereno Santo Natale e Prospero 2025, Vi invitiamo al concerto che si terrà a Milano il 23 gennaio 2025 ore 21:00, nella Sacrestia del Bramante di Santa Maria delle Grazie
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The four volumes into which the tome is divided contain the orchestral compositions with a larger ensemble; for many of these the choise of the symphonic poem free form can be read as a natural consequence of the improvisational practice of the organ.

The first includes Fantoniana, a symphonic poem in three movements inspired by the wooden sculptures of Andrea Fantoni; in the second Simphonicum nova et vetera, orchestration of an organ piece created to accompany the vision of some paintings by Ernesto Bergagna’s paintings inspired by Marian litanies; in the third we find a composition of the 10 variations for orchestra (see vol. II) and the choral prelude and fugue written during his studies at the Conservatory of Milan; the fourth includes three pieces, Sella in Valsugana, Bernadette, Capodanno, also available in vol. II and IV and the anastatic reproduction of the first draft of a piece, Dei sepolcri (inspired by Foscolo’s poem), a draft of a symphonic poem that has never been orchestrated.

Fantoniana-Poema sinfonico
in tre tempi
Symphonicum nova et vetera
10 Variazioni per orchestra
Preludio, Corale, Fuga
Sella in Valsugana
Bernadette – Capo d’anno

VOLUMI > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18