Il Maestro Daniele Maffeis fra suoni, parole e immagini
Nell’augurarVi un Sereno Santo Natale e Prospero 2025, Vi invitiamo al concerto che si terrà a Milano il 23 gennaio 2025 ore 21:00, nella Sacrestia del Bramante di Santa Maria delle Grazie
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Daniele Maffeis’s secular vocal composition in the field of chamber music is not extensive: it includes pieces related to celebratory occasions for religious or academic institutions; lyrics often dedicated to the authors of Italian or dialectal texts, and polyphonic a cappella madrigal pieces. The influence exercised by the post-Puccinian generation established around the 1930 and particularly well received in Milan is evident in the vocal lines.The volume is divided into two books: the first contains a cappella and piano accompanied pieces, and the second contains four pieces for voice and orchestra.

Per solo e Piano /
per Coro misto e Organo

Per soli, Coro e Orchestra

VOLUMI > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18