Il Maestro Daniele Maffeis fra suoni, parole e immagini
Nell’augurarVi un Sereno Santo Natale e Prospero 2025, Vi invitiamo al concerto che si terrà a Milano il 23 gennaio 2025 ore 21:00, nella Sacrestia del Bramante di Santa Maria delle Grazie
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Since 1940 he had added to his various commitments that as the piano and organ teacher at the High School, (of Christian Art) “Beato Angelico” School of Christian Art, in Milan, a post he would keep until his death.

The ’40s and ‘50s were the most intense years for teaching, composing and concert activity. He composed the sacred mime “The Mother and the Sacraments”, symphonic poems such as “Fantoniana”, “Litanie-Simphonicum Nova et Vetera”,

“All’Immacolata”, “Suite Schilpariese”, “Bernadette”, the Mass “Regina Ordinis Minorum”, as well as numerous hymns, lyrics, choruses, songs, sacred pieces, motets and chamber pieces for piano, orchestra and various instruments. 

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