Il Maestro Daniele Maffeis fra suoni, parole e immagini
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The role at the Conservatory Donizetti of Bergamo did not prevent him continuing the

service in Venegono, in San Satiro, Beato Angelico and Abbiategrasso.

He did not turn down many requests for performances, liturgical accompaniments, especially in the patronal feasts of the various parishes, of concerts, of conducting choirs.

His composing activity continued, among which the “Missa Daniel Propheta” and two “Popular Masses” stand out in Italian, according to the criteria of the Second Vatican Council.

Maffeis also added the commitment to curate a music column on the periodical

of traditions and culture, “Giopì”, revealing himself to be a fine and witty writer and thinker. In this series of essays, in addition to considerations on music, he described various moments of his life and of his artistic and professional activity.

In the last article, talking about one of his compositions entitled “The dead lark

dead”, hit by the doublet while it had the song in its throat, seemed to have

foreshadowed his death … “while I still have a lot of music inside”.

It was on February 10, 1966, when he uttered these last words of his.

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